
MOVE Models

data class MoveServiceWarning(
    val service: MoveDetectionService,
    val warnings: List<MoveWarning>
sealed class MoveWarning {

    object ActivityPermissionMissing : MoveWarning()
    object BackgroundLocationPermissionMissing : MoveWarning()
    object BluetoothPermissionMissing : MoveWarning()
    object EnergySaver : MoveWarning()
    object LocationMode : MoveWarning()
    object MockProvider : MoveWarning()
    object MockProviderLocation : MoveWarning()
    object BatteryOptimization : MoveWarning()
    object GpsOff : MoveWarning()
    object Offline : MoveWarning()
    object NoSim : MoveWarning()
    object Rooted : MoveWarning()
    object GoEdition : MoveWarning()
    object PlayServicesMissing : MoveWarning()
    object BackgroundRestricted : MoveWarning()
    object GooglePlayLocationAccuracyMissing : MoveWarning()
    object NotificationPermissionMissing : MoveWarning()
    class LocationPowerMode(val mode: Int) : MoveWarning()
    object BluetoothTurnedOff : MoveWarning()
    object BluetoothScanPermissionMissing : MoveWarning()
    object BluetoothConnectPermissionMissing : MoveWarning()
    object FineLocationPermissionMissing : MoveWarning()
    object NotificationMissing : MoveWarning()



see MoveDetectionService in MoveConfig


List of optional MoveServiceWarning



Either the location providers shouldn't be affected by battery saver or battery saver is off.


In this mode, the GPS based location provider should be disabled when battery saver is on and the device is non-interactive.


All location providers should be disabled when battery saver is on and the device is non-interactive.


In this mode, all the location providers will be kept available, but location fixes should only be provided to foreground apps.


In this mode, location will not be turned off, but LocationManager will throttle all requests to providers when the device is non-interactive.

Last updated