App Store

App Submission

According to Apple review guidelines (last 17. April 2023 - section 2.5.4 "Multitasking apps may only use background services for their intended purposes: VoIP, audio playback, location, task completion, local notifications, etc."), when releasing an app that uses location background mode, it is required to inform its users that the use of background locations can have an impact on the device's battery life.

Hence, When submitting an app that includes MOVE SDK for approval on the App Store, you must include the following message in the app description:

Continued use of GPS running in the background can dramatically decrease battery life.

Privacy Section

In late 2020, Apple started requiring any new or updated app to include details about the data they capture and what they do with it, in the new app's privacy section.

This is a list of what the MOVE SDK collects and the impact of the SDK on the new privacy section:


  • Used for App Functionality

  • Linked to the user's identity

Due to Apple's static code analysis additional strings must be configured in the Info.plist to pass validation when uploading to the AppStoreandTestflight even when this feature is not used. See section iOS Permission Handling for details.

Last updated

Dolphin Technologies GmbH