Runtime Permissions

In Android there are some permissions which require a request during runtime. Keep in mind that those need to be defined in the manifest as well. Before init of the MOVE SDK the proper permissions should have been already requested.

Display over other apps

The overlay permission (SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW) ,which is required for distraction free driving, needs to be requested in a specific way. The user is lead to the app settings where the permission needs to be enabled.

Starting with Android 11, the user will only be taken to the settings overview screen, and the user needs to select the specific app itself.

val intent = Intent(
startActivityForResult(intent, OVERLAY_REQUEST_CODE)

Background location

Since Android 10 there is an additional background location which should be also requested when asking for location permission. In Android 11 the user must go to the location settings of the app to grant the "Allow all the time" permission.

Notification permission

From the Google developer documentation:

"Android 13 (API level 33) and higher supports a runtime permission for sending non-exempt (including Foreground Services (FGS)) notifications from an app: POST_NOTIFICATIONS. This change helps users focus on the notifications that are most important to them."

<manifest ...>
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.POST_NOTIFICATIONS"/>
    <application ...>

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