
Explore user contracts

The timeline offers you details about individual users - in terms of (a) their timeline on a day-per-day basis, (b) their device and (c) some more detailed logs for debugging (in cooperation with the MOVE community).

Timeline - List of user

You can also filter individual users by their contract ID. In the timeline, you can select a specific day and inspect each individual timeline item on that day.

Timeline - Details

On top of the detailed user timeline page, there are some details of the user device:

  • user id

  • plattform

  • device name

  • OS version

  • MOVE SDK version

  • A link to the last timeline item

  • A list of the permission states of the device

Also on the detailed timeline (above the map) you can filter for specific transport types and also (in case of CAR transport types) display event types like Speed, DBE (= Driving Behaviour Events) like Acceleration, Braking and Cornering.

Timeline - Logs

Alternatively you are also able to look into the SDK User Logs. Please note that we currently do not offer a manual of how to interpret the logs. In case you have problems e.g. initializing your MOVE SDK or receiving all transport types, please get in touch and we will analyse the logs together.

Last updated

Dolphin Technologies GmbH