MOVE Assistance Notifier

Sends user alarms in emergencies.

  • manual (BCALL) - triggered in the mobile app whenever e.g. a user pushes an ALARM-button which calls the “initiate assistance call” service in the MOVE SDK

  • automatic (AID) - an Automatic Impact Detection can be configured as part of the MOVE features. Whenever a serious impact is detected during a car trip, the MOVE SDK sends an automatic alarm with some additional data to contextualize the impact. The threshold helps to filter false positives.


Automatic Impact Detection fields:

  • asi: This field assesses the potential risk to occupants during full-scale crash tests involving roadside safety hardware.

  • lon: Specifies the impact's longitudal position.

  • lat: Specifies the impact's latitudinal position.

  • axis: Describes whether the impact was frontal or longitudinal.

  • speed: Represents the current speed at the time of impact.

  • type: AID or BCALL

Example JSON:

"id": "cdfac1e3-39dd-4312-aa2b-9e4b6b5f1b49",
"projectId": 1000,
"userId": "2021030510",
"time": "2021-04-16T09:33:41.409927Z",
"type": "ASSISTANCE",
"data": {
  "asi": "1.2132596667716633",
  "lon": "16.407404",
  "axis": "LONGITUDINAL",
  "type": "AID",
  "lat": "48.179639",
  "speed": "0"


Manual call for assistance

  • type: BCALL or AID

  • lon: Specifies the impact's longitudal position.

  • lat: Specifies the impact's latitudinal position.

  • speed: current speed

Example JSON:

"id": "cdfac1e3-39dd-4312-aa2b-9e4b6b5f1b49",
"projectId": 1000,
"userId": "2021030510",
"time": "2021-04-16T09:33:41.409927Z",
"type": "ASSISTANCE",
"data": {
  "lon": "20.943821",
  "type": "BCALL",
  "lat": "52.208246",
  "speed": "null"

Last updated

Dolphin Technologies GmbH