MOVE Dashboard

Getting Started

The MOVE Dashboard at is (a) the console where you can set up and configure your MOVE projects, and (b) the initial place for inspecting and troubleshooting your MOVE apps.

If you already created your project in the MOVE Dashboard, and obtained a product ID and API key, you can skip this chapter and explore first steps for Android and iOS.

Registration and first project

On first opening the page, please register and enter your details. Note that your first couple of users are free, so you can experiment with the MOVE SDK.

Access Control - manage developer rights

This page allows you to add developer colleagues to this project in the MOVE Dashboard. Make sure that your colleague has registered with the MOVE Dashboard previously; then enter her/his email address and role in order to add her/him to the project. Next time your colleague loads the MOVE Dashboard, s/he will be able to select the project in the drop-down list located on top of the navigation bar.

You can choose between an "admin" and a "reader" role. An admin has rights to change the configuration of the project, which has direct implications on monthly cost. A reader is mainly able to view user contracts in the "Timeline" section. We recommend you use the "reader" role for e.g. frontend developers or testers.

Configuration - add MOVE features

The configuration of your MOVE project is split into 4 parts. Please make sure to select the right project in the drop-down menu of the navigation bar before you proceed. Also, please note that configuration changes may have an impact on your cost.


With these settings you can activate or deactivate MOVE features like Walking, Driving, or Public Transport. You will find a short syllabus of each feature in the MOVE Dashboard, and more detailed technical specifications in the chapter API Interface in these docs.

Manage API keys

Create an API key that allows secure access to the MOVE APIs. Some of the use cases include

  1. use the API key in your backend in order to fetch data from the Timeline API or the Notifier API (see Timeline/authentication)

  2. use the API key in your frontend to authenticate your mobile MOVE SDK (see our code sample on Bitbucket). For security reasons, we recommend to use write-only keys for this scenario, or preferably the next option:

  3. use the API key in your backend in order to create tokens that are user-specific, andforward these tokens e.g. to your users' smartphones (see Android, iOS)

You can create, expire and delete as many API keys as you want on this page. The following parameters pertain to each API key:

  • key - copy the key from here

  • audience - you can set this to whatever roles or rights segmentation you like to use in your systems; not relevant for MOVE

  • duration - validity time (in hours) of the access token (only relevant to you in special scenarios)

  • write-only - two different key types are available: write only (write-only=true; for all SDK functions that send and process data), and read-write (write-only=false; for all SDK functions / APIs you may use for reading data)


The MOVE Generic Notifier pushes important events to your backend. This contains real-time events like POIs (Points of Interest), as well as more administrative data about user devices, that you may want to use to allow more targeted communication with your users.

Notifier events are pushed to your backend via a web hook: Set up a service, that is capable of receiving notifier events. Enter the URL of your service into this configuration page, as well as a token to be used for signing the event.

Timeline Receiver

The MOVE Timeline contains all the key results of MOVE compiled into a chronological timeline. Whenever a new timeline item is created for a user, MOVE pushes update notifications to your backend. Timeline items are not created in real-time; MOVE tries to clean up the timeline as much as possible from the raw data we receive from the devices, and is also enhancing the basic data with additional added value data - this may take some time. Note that we strictly avoid to change the timeline retrospectively, to simplify processing for your backend.

Timeline events are pushed to your backend via a web hook: Set up a service, that is capable of receiving timeline events. Enter the URL of your service into this configuration page, as well as a token to be used for signing the event.

Timeline - explore user contracts

The timeline offers you details about individual users - in terms of (a) their timeline on a day-per-day basis, (b) their device, and (c) some more detailed logs for debugging (in cooperation with the MOVE community).

You can filter individual users by filtering their contract ID. In the timeline, you can select a specific day and inspect each individual timeline item on that day. On the top right of the map you can filter for specific transport types, and also (in case of CAR transport types) display event types like Speed or DBE (including Acceleration, Braking and Cornering).

On top of the timeline page, there are some details of the user device: manufacturer/device name, OS version, MOVE SDK version.

Back on the start page with the filter for specific users, you can alternatively also look into the Logs. Please note that we currently do not offer a manual of how to interpret the logs. In case you have problems e.g. initializing your MOVE SDK or receiving all transport types, please get in touch and we will analyse the logs together.

Points of Interest - get notified when user is close by

In addition to detecting user movements as timeline items, the MOVE SDK also offers to detect real-time whenever a user is close to a specific location. You can define such a location as a "Point of Interest", by either right-clicking on the map, using the "add Point of Interest"-button beneath the map, or by importing a CSV-list.

A Point of Interest is defined by the following characteristics (mandatory):

  • Name - any string you choose for your PoI

  • Latitude/Longitude - GPS location on the map

Trigger properties (optional):

  • In Trip - trigger a POI notification even if a user is in a trip (e.g. CAR, CYCLING, PUBLIC TRANSPORT). Please note that the frontend (iOS, Android) may flip back and forth between trip detection, whenever the user is moving outside with some speed, or due to GPS jumps. Those will be filtered

  • On Enter - a POI event is triggered when entering the POI

  • On Exit - a POI event is triggered when leaving the POI

  • Active - the POI is active (or not)

  • Tags - tags you may want to add to the POI for your convenience. These tags will be forwarded to you in the POI event that is sent through the Generic Notifier.

Last updated

Change request #70: add MoveSdkAndroidConfig model