Getting Started

Your shortcut through the MOVE platform into a runnable app is:

  1. register and create a project in the MOVE Dashboard

  2. obtain the projectId and an API key from the MOVE configuration page of your new MOVE project

  3. clone the code sample app (Android and iOS), adapt the projectId and API key to your project

  4. install the app on your mobile phone, take the phone everywhere you go for a couple of days

  5. check the results in the MOVE timeline

You can check out our sample code on Github!

  • our code sample app (Android / iOS) is a very lean app that exemplifies how to initialise and run the MOVE SDK. It contains no display of timeline elements or other fancy stuff, but with your projectId and API key you can get this up and running in no time.

  • TO BE PUBLISHED SOON - the MOVE App is more comprehensive, with display of timeline elements and scoring. You will be able to find open source code (Android / iOS / React); the incarnation of the React code is also available from the stores (Android / iOS).

  • the sample backend illustrates how to consume the MOVE APIs in node.js. You can use it to run your own version of the MOVE App e.g. on Firebase or on a local machine.

After installing and running MOVE on your mobile phone, make sure that the OS allows MOVE to operate:

  • for Android: all battery settings are set to allow MOVE to work in the background

  • check in the timeline of the MOVE Dashboard, whether there is a basic connection, by searching for your contract ID (defined in the registration after installing on the phone)

  • take the phone everywhere you go for a couple of days (MOVE needs some minimum activity outdoors before it starts recording, so you have to actually walk, make a car trip, take the subway, or do whatever MOVE feature you are interested in for 5 minutes or longer)

Last updated

#70: add MoveSdkAndroidConfig model

Change request updated